Entries by

Shane Guse

“Quite simply, my 7-string Viper is the best tool for the job, and I love it.  The Barbera pickup gives me great, consistent tone, even when undesirable backline is provided. That means I spend minimal time during set up working on amp tone and more time concentrating on the music.  Hand made to my specifications, […]


“The Viper, to me, is an exploration into the limitless sky – a free spirit, a rebellious spirit, it clears the way for me to finally explore what it means to be a true string player! Reaching deep down into the roots of the lower vibrations of sound and also to fly high with the […]

Shenzo Gregorio

“Now kids remember this….Stunt hard and stunt often. Then your mum will LOVE you for ever.” Shenzo plays his Viper while flying around the stage – literally – with Shenzo’s Electric Stunt Orchestra!

Antonio Pontarelli

“I guess that I find your violins so great that I don’t know where to start! Here are a few of my thoughts. The Viper is the Stradivarius of the 21st century. It is a new paradigm! The Viper has helped my violin playing blossom by allowing me to go into uncharted waters where a […]

Bridgid Bibbens

“I originally purchased my first Viper as a teaching tool, but as my career and my playing have evolved, my 7-string Viper has become an invaluable instrument which has opened so many doors for me, professionally and creatively. It’s connected me to the music community and to parts of myself in ways I never imagined […]